It Was a Case of Mistaken Identity
You shouldn’t be found guilty of careless driving if someone else was at the wheel of your vehicle.
You Were Not Driving Carelessly
Depending on your circumstances, a Colorado criminal defense attorney could disprove a claim of careless driving by showing that you operated your car safely under the conditions.
There was No Injury Involved
If you have been charged with careless driving causing injury, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was some sort of bodily injury. Bodily injury has a very specific meaning under Colorado law. A defense attorney may be able to construct a defense around the question of whether or not there was an injury in this case.
The Careless Driving was Not the Proximate Case of Death
If you have been charged with careless driving causing death, the prosecutor must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that your careless driving was the proximate cause of someone’s death. If there was some other unforeseeable intervening situation related to the death, a defense attorney may be able to construct a defense around that issue.