If you have been charged with credit card fraud in Colorado, it’s in your best interest to hire a criminal defense attorney who can protect your rights as you go through the criminal justice system. A skilled attorney can evaluate your case and try to get the charges against you dropped or reduced. Until you have the chance to consult with a lawyer, the following overview about credit card fraud charges in Colorado provides examples of credit card fraud, penalties for a conviction, crimes closely related to credit card fraud, and when you need to call an attorney for credit card fraud charges in Colorado.
Credit card fraud typically falls under the criminal possession of a financial device (C.R.S § 18-5-903). The person who has the device knows, or should know, it is lost or stolen. A financial device is a broad legal term that refers to any instrument someone uses to get cash, credit, personal property, services, or anything else of value. It also refers to any instrument someone uses to make payments. The most common examples are credit cards, debit cards, checks, and money orders.
Credit card fraud also falls under other Colorado statutes, such as:
Examples of credit card fraud include:
Account Takeover. A person obtains credit card information online and gets a card sent to them at the address of their choosing.
If you get convicted of credit card fraud you face various penalties including fines and jail time. The amount of fine and amount of jail time depends on the exact charges, the number of credit cards you have in your possession, and the value of any fraudulent purchases. A conviction for the criminal possession or unauthorized use of a financial device can be a misdemeanor or felony.
For example, those convicted of criminal possession of a financial device face a class 1 misdemeanor that carries six to 18 months in jail and up to a $5,000 fine. If someone has two or more credit cards in their possession, they automatically get charged for a class 6 felony, which carries the same jail time, but comes with a fine of up to $100,000 and mandatory parole for one year.
The penalties get steeper with more cards. Penalties also get steeper if you get caught for the same crime multiple times. Additionally, once someone uses a stolen card and spends at least $2,000, they face felony charges. Those who make fraudulent charges that total $1,000,000 face a minimum of eight years in prison, but could face up to 24 years. They also face up to a $1,000,000 fine.
If you were charged with the criminal possession or unauthorized use of a credit card, it’s possible you have other charges against you too. Credit card fraud often involves other crimes, including identity theft, fraudulent credit purchases, and larceny.
It’s always in your best interest to consult with a defense attorney if you are facing credit card fraud charges. Even the most lenient penalties involve jail time and fines. An experienced lawyer can review your case, advise you on your best defense, and give you the best chance of getting the case dropped or facing reduced charges. Maybe you had permission to use the card, you did not know you had a stolen card, or you did not intend to defraud anyone. An attorney can advocate for you and protect your rights as you go through the criminal justice process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Credit card fraud can be a very serious crime. Even a minor charge can result in serious penalties. When credit card fraud is elevated to felony charges, however, you would likely be looking at a prison sentence in addition to other penalties.
Generally, using a credit card fraudulently to secure goods or services in excess of $1,000 would result in felony charges.
Yes, fraudulently procuring or using a credit card is a criminal offense and will be prosecuted as such.