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Bleydis Narvaez

Bleydis Narvaez

Client Relations Specialist

My name is Bleydis Narvaez, and I am a client relations specialist at right law group. My job is to make the communication between you, current or future client, and our attorneys effective. From the moment you first contact us, and throughout the process, I will be the bridge between you and the help you need.I am a chemical engineer and enjoy making art. That mix that goes from mathematical logic and problem-solving to the patience and sensitivity that art teaches, helps me to be a sympathetic person willing to understand and help you through what may not be a very pleasant time in your life.

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Let’s Face It. Life Happens.

One too many drinks can leave you sitting in the drunk tank with a DUI.

One loud fight can turn into domestic violence charges.

A moment of distraction or a heavy foot can turn into a speeding ticket.


In almost every case, there is a silver lining and an opportunity to get the outcome you are looking for as long as you have an experienced Colorado Springs criminal defense lawyer to guide you through the complicated criminal process.

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